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Promoting Chess in West Africa: a team of volunteers

by Georgia Morris

So bless to be a part of this amazing group of men and women who have come together to promote chess in the Ivory Coast and West Africa to children and youth. A game of life that has only been taught to the elite society of children there whom parents could afford it. Now all children will be able to learn and reap the benefits that chess provide and teach.

A good true movie to watch to see how chess can change one’s life in Africa is the Queen of Katwe, a movie in which Pastor Harry W. Li took our chess club kids, their parents and all of our volunteers to see when it came out several years ago. Pastor Li, did you realize at the time that the Mosaic CPR Chess club would one day be associated with helping to promote Chess in Africa and be on the same team as Christine Namaganda, a chess player that played right beside the Queen of Katwe in real life?

This has got to be one of those God’s thing to bring us all together.

To God be the Glory!!!

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